Tumblr is downplaying a suspected hack attack that left users facing the appearance of a series of undeletable posts in their blogs. Reports of problems spread through Tumblr itself and well as Twitter. The problem is not just that posts are undeletable, but also that they were not created by the blog owners.
While some of the content is fairly tame, some users have complained about the appearance of pornographic posts. Researchers at ThreatTrack Security Labs are advising users to change their account passwords, as bloggers are left facing not only undeletable posts, but many also finding themselves unable to access their dashboards.Details are currently scant, and it is unclear whether there has been a security breach or if there is some other issue. Tumblr took a while to make any sort of public announcement, but did eventually tweet a message saying that "Our engineering team is working quickly to repair an issue causing incorrect posts to appear on a small number of affected blogs".
Are you a Tumblr user affected by the issue? Share your experiences.